
ONIRI CREATIONS - Superman for Tomorrow 1/6 Statua


La statua in questione è basata sull’adattamento della serie a fumetti realizzata da Jim Lee, sarà realizzata in scala 1/6 e svilupperà un’altezza di 35 cm, una lunghezza di 35 cm e un diametro sempre di 35 cm. La statua è sviluppata per celebrare i 15 anni dell’epica copertina di Superman 205 disegnata da Jim Lee. Scolpita da Pierre-Marie Albert e dipinta da Kevin Ferrer e Logan Lebailly, sarà limitata a solo 999 copie al mondo. All’interno troveremo 2 teste intercambiabili. LED sulla base illuminano le fiamme.


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419,30 €

599,00 €

We’re extremely proud to present our very first statue from our new DC 1/6 line, Superman: For Tomorrow Statue. Celebrating 15 years of the epic Superman 205 cover, this statue depicts the Man of Steel in all his power.

This statue comes with two switch-out portraits, calm yet determined expression, and enraged. Limited to only 999 copies.

Clark Kent may be the ultimate Boy Scout, he also knows when to mean business, especially when taken on by an entire army.
We’ve created this diorama with a view to showing Superman like he’s rarely been made in statue form.
Translating author's art in 3D is no easy task. Going the realistic route wasn’t going to work here, so our sculptor went for a very stylized, chiseled anatomy instead. We also spent a lot of time working on the portraits, trying to capture the definitive Man of Steel likeness.
Taking heavy enemy fire, our hero shows just how powerful he is. Stopping missiles and bullets with his bare hands.
Meticulously placed around Superman, the bullets and missiles give an immersive perspective effect as you move around the statue.
For added realism, all the explosions, bullet trails are made of clear resin.
The three large explosions on the base light up.